My background

Before working in wellness, I worked for 5 years in London as a Team Lead Project Manager in Media Localisation. Even though this field is very interesting and engaging, I soon began to disagree with the values of the companies I worked for. The working rhythm was also overwhelming and stressful. My angst and discontent motivated me to pursue a career where I could feel more fulfilled and work on two topics I am naturally drawn towards: care and movement…

Since my childhood, I’ve explored movement and body consciousness through dancing.

Dancing has always been an escape for me, allowing me to express myself in a way that didn’t scare me. It also provided me with a lot of support when I moved to London; while my English was still a little broken and I was struggling to understand others or make myself understood, dancing enabled me to express myself freely. All barriers were removed, the connection was real and instant.

Although I am not much of a leader, my different jobs in London brought me to become a Team Lead. Managing a team and supporting my colleagues was the most rewarding part of my role. Training, advising and assisting those around me was a real pleasure for me.

When I began my career change, I then naturally leaned towards massage therapy, which was the perfect combination between care, support and movement. I looked for a massage school that fostered the human and holistic dimension of massage, which I find essential. I took the Energy Balancing Massage course in Renato Pappalardos school. This training programme taught me a lot, as much on the professional as on the personal level.

Besides the massage sessions, I also want to run movement workshops. Movement is an incredible tool which enables us to take an active role towards improving our well-being and our ability to let go. The movement workshops are currently being created and should be available soon.